Innocent glitch... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. And I just had a letter from
the Curia in Rome, saying that I'm in the running for a seat in the COllege
of Cardinals, despite having been lapsed in my faith for 27 years now.

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:

> Obama Gets Applause at West Point, Fox Erases It?
> President Obama addressed the graduates at West Point Academy on Saturday,
> saying, "Adversaries want to divide us, but we are united by our support for
> you - soldiers who send a clear message that this country is both the land
> of the free and the home of the brave." His comments about the wars in
> Afghanistan and Iraq and the threats of terrorism received applause from the
> graduates, but Fox News apparently didn't like it! Filmmaker Michael Moore
> posted the Fox video on 
> Twitter<>,
> which features what seems to be an edited pause, making it look like Obama
> was met with silence when he said the country is poised to end the war in
> Iraq this summer. However, Michael Moore isn't exactly the most unbiased
> reporter. Watch the Fox version for yourself:
> The original is on the White House's 
> website<>.
> So, is the above version edited, or was it just an innocent TV glitch, like
> that one 
> time<>Sean
>  Hannity used crowd shots of Glenn Beck's 9/12 protest to make a
> different GOP health care rally appear more heavily attended?
> Video is located here:

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant

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