Not everyone is going to have any ability to the same degree.  We all fall 
somewhere on the Bell Curve.

Then mine must be off slightly, Amy. When it comes to driving, I can nail 
almost anywhere within reason, but don't ask me *how* to get there. I'll 
invariably point you in exactly the wrong direction.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Amy Harlib <ahar...@earthlink.net> wrote:



  From: World Science 
  Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 2:14 PM
  To: emailn...@world-science.net 
  Subject: World Science: Sense of direction may be innate

  * Sense of direction may be innate:
  New research suggests the brain comes hard-wired
  with working navigational cells.


  * Ocean covered a third of Mars, study concludes:
  An ancient ocean was probably part of an Earth-like
  water cycle that included rain, scientists say.


  * Study points to why stress may affect women 
  Studying rat brains, researchers found that females
  are more sensitive than males to low levels of a
  stress hormone.


  * "Trust hormone" may drive aggression 
  between groups:
  The compound oxytocin's well known role in social
  relationships may also extend to promoting group
  defense, a study suggests.


  * Neighborhood violence may impair kids' 
  Local violence may impair a child's ability to
  think, even if he or she didn't see the violence
  directly, a study finds.



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"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell 
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant


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