I'm really looking forward to seeing this film.  I liked the trailers and I 
love Jackie Chan.  I hate the title.  The story has nothing to do with Karate 
which is a Japanese thing.
It is about kung-fu and China!  This film's title insults billions of Chinese 
people all over the world that Hollywood is so greedy to sell tickets by 
exploiting the Karate Kid franchise that they think folks are too stupid to 
tell the difference between Karate and Kung-fu?
All those slanty-eyed Asians are all alike, eh?  Typical Hollywood willful 
ignorance.  They could have correctly and accurately called this film Kung-Fu 
Kid and with Jackie Chan's name on it, sold just as many tickets I bet!

I'll still go for Jackie Chan, if nothing else.


It's not Jaden.  It's his parents. The world hates his parents  but worship 
money  too much to say it to their faces.  

Generation X and early Y are under-achievers.  We coin phrases like 
"underwhelm". Will and Jada  do what they  say they're gonna do. Collectively,  
we don't like that. And so yeah, they're gonna be hatred towards BOTH kids. 
Wait till Willow's album drops.

What has amazed me is the amount  of BLACK hatred towards Jaden. We keep hating 
on young  people who are doing  good work, and we wonder why  the majority of 
young people wanna stay under-achievers. 

On Jun 21, 2010, at 10:26 AM, ravenadal wrote:


  What is Jaden Smith's crime? Last weekend, the up-and-coming young actor, who 
will turn 12 this July 8, starred in a remake of The Karate Kid that audiences 
flocked to beyond expectation and, from all available evidence, loved. Given 
that Smith is front and center in more or less every frame of the 2 hour and 20 
minute movie (and given that his performance, as a kid who hides his sadness 
behind a mask of surliness, is — to this critic, at least — a magnetic and 
affecting piece of acting), I hope we can all agree that Jaden Smith's presence 
on screen had a little something to do with the movie's success. Yet Smith's 
rise has been greeted, in far too many quarters (including a number of comment 
boards on ew.com, like the one on my review), with bitter, gnashing resentment. 
This 11-year-old really has the haters foaming.

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