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On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Kelwyn <ravena...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> In this instance the filmmakers have crossed their "t"s and dotted their
> "i"s.  The film is known as "The Kung Fu Kid" internationally and "Best Kid"
> in Japan.
> ~rave!
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Amy Harlib" <ahar...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > ahar...@...
> > I'm really looking forward to seeing this film.  I liked the trailers and
> I love Jackie Chan.  I hate the title.  The story has nothing to do with
> Karate which is a Japanese thing.
> > It is about kung-fu and China!  This film's title insults billions of
> Chinese people all over the world that Hollywood is so greedy to sell
> tickets by exploiting the Karate Kid franchise that they think folks are too
> stupid to tell the difference between Karate and Kung-fu?
> > All those slanty-eyed Asians are all alike, eh?  Typical Hollywood
> willful ignorance.  They could have correctly and accurately called this
> film Kung-Fu Kid and with Jackie Chan's name on it, sold just as many
> tickets I bet!
> >
> > I'll still go for Jackie Chan, if nothing else.
> >
> > Amy
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It's not Jaden.  It's his parents. The world hates his parents  but
> worship money  too much to say it to their faces.
> >
> >
> > Generation X and early Y are under-achievers.  We coin phrases like
> "underwhelm". Will and Jada  do what they  say they're gonna do.
> Collectively,  we don't like that. And so yeah, they're gonna be hatred
> towards BOTH kids. Wait till Willow's album drops.
> >
> >
> >
> > What has amazed me is the amount  of BLACK hatred towards Jaden. We keep
> hating on young  people who are doing  good work, and we wonder why  the
> majority of young people wanna stay under-achievers.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Jun 21, 2010, at 10:26 AM, ravenadal wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >   http://movie-critics.ew.com/2010/06/18/why-the-hatred-for-jaden-smith/
> >
> >   What is Jaden Smith's crime? Last weekend, the up-and-coming young
> actor, who will turn 12 this July 8, starred in a remake of The Karate Kid
> that audiences flocked to beyond expectation and, from all available
> evidence, loved. Given that Smith is front and center in more or less every
> frame of the 2 hour and 20 minute movie (and given that his performance, as
> a kid who hides his sadness behind a mask of surliness, is — to this critic,
> at least — a magnetic and affecting piece of acting), I hope we can all
> agree that Jaden Smith's presence on screen had a little something to do
> with the movie's success. Yet Smith's rise has been greeted, in far too many
> quarters (including a number of comment boards on ew.com, like the one on
> my review), with bitter, gnashing resentment. This 11-year-old really has
> the haters foaming.
> >
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