Evil Lifeform that I am, I could bring such havoc with that All-in-One
credit card. That's one they might want to pull off the table.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Mr. Worf <hellomahog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 6 Coolest Inventions you Probably Didn’t Know Exist December 2, 2009 by
> uphaa.blog <http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/author/admin/>
> Progress Bar on a Traffic Light
> A 
> design<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>award
>  has been given for a concept that would allow existing traffic lights
> to be retrofitted with progress bars that offer a visual representation of
> when the light will change.
> Damjan Stanković -the designer- promotes this stoplight as an eco solution
> in the following ways: If you’ve got the amount of time you’ve got to stop
> in front of you, you can shut your engine off, wait, be calm, and turn it
> back on again when the time is almost up. This not only lessens the amount
> of 
> gas<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>you
>  use sitting still, but it lessens the amount of crazy madness you have
> wondering if the stoplight is stuck, or just really, really long.Source
> <http://www.yankodesign.com/2009/11/30/a-better-understanding-of-stoplights/>
>  Waterproof Gadget Coating
> Golden Shellback Coating is here and it is specifically created to protect
> gizmos<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>against
>  damage and loss of function due to harsh weather conditions and
> moisture. This protective shield produces a vacuum-deposited film that is
> non-flammable and insoluble in solvents. It is an ideal protection for
> plastic, copper, aluminum, metal, ceramic, steel, tin, or glass.
> The price of this excellent anti-corrosion coating depends on the equipment
> you want to use it for. For the BlackBerry 
> Pearl<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>,
> $120; the iPod Shuffle, $60; the iPod 
> Touch<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>$120.Source.
> <http://www.golden-shellback.com/>
> Airport Sleep Pods
> Have you ever slept at the airport? For those of us who want the
> convenience of 
> sleeping<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>at
>  the airport, without so much of the crazy, there’s these amazing things
> right here! 
> “Sleep<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>Box”
>  they go by the name of, designed by Arch Group for those who need
> private time in strange, unfriendly places!
> There’s a thousand instances where the ideal personal cubical could come in
> handy. Here’s one of them: the airport. In between flights, what do you do?
> Sit in some marginally comfortable seats. Lots of time in between flights,
> what do you do? Sleep box.
> The box itself is 2mx1.4mx2.3m. The main bed is 2×0.6m, equipped with an
> automatic system which changes the 
> linens<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>(think
>  Fifth Element.) The bed is a soft, flexible strip of polymer and pulp
> tissue.
> Ventilation system, sound alerts, built-in LCD television, wireless internet
> access<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>,
> power sockets, extra luggage space under lounges. Payment is made in time,
> anywhere from 15 minutes to several 
> hours.Source<http://www.yankodesign.com/2009/11/12/airport-sleep-pods/>
>  Live Checking Card
> Do you know who the Green Monster is? It’s that skunk-of-a-bill that you
> get at the end of the month; it devours all your Dollars because you
> overspent! Only if you could use something like the Live Checking Card! A
> Credit Card won’t let you go beyond your limits. It’s a digital thang with
> an E-ink display that allows you to check your payment history on it. It
> even tracks your 
> bank<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>account’s
>  transaction through
> RFID<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>.
> A cumulative amount shows up on the screen every time you swipe the card;
> giving you your account balance on your finger tips.
> Designers: Jin-young Yoon, Wook-sun Oh, Young-ho Lee & Jun-kyo Lee. 
> Source<http://www.yankodesign.com/2009/11/26/kick-the-green-monster/>
> Hydropak – World’s First Portable Fuel Cell
> The HydroPak is the world’s first commercially available fuel 
> cell<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>.
> The system consists of a fuel cell and water-activated 
> power-cartridge<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>.
> Insert a hydrogen cartridge and add water, and the fuel cell would be
> sufficient to recharge your laptop 
> computer<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>between
>  8 and 10 times. In addition, the HydroPak is designed with a common
> AC outlet as well as x2 USB connectors, allowing you to connect/charge a
> variety of appliances such as lights, television 
> sets<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>as
>  well as communication
> systems<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>.
> The unit will cost $400 dollars when released, and each disposable cartridge
> would cost about $20.Source
> <http://www.efficientenergy.org/HydroPak-Portable-Fuel-Cell-Power-Pack> 
> All-In-One
> Credit Card
> Quite a few of us use multiple credit 
> cards<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>and
>  every time one card expires, its plastic adds to the trash. So do the
> numerous receipts that we accumulate after swiping our CC. The fundamental
> of the One Card Electronic Card is quite simple; it wants to eliminate the
> trash (and resolve issues like identity 
> theft<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>via
>  discarded expired CCs) by proposing to be this all-credit-cards-in-one
> device. On one end of the gadget is a Memory 
> Card<http://www.uphaa.com/blog/index.php/6-coolest-inventions-you-probably-didnt-know-exist/#>Slot
>  that will help the user upload their various CC Details.
> Source <http://www.yankodesign.com/2009/10/22/all-in-one-credit-card/>
> --
> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
> Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant


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