Mr Worf, I'd love to know what compelled him to make that move.

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 2:32 AM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:

> Russia Elects First Black Politician Posted by 
> admin<>on July 26, 2010 0
> Comment<>
> For the first time in their history, Russia has elected a black man to hold
> political office. Jean Gregoire Sagbo was elected as a councilman in
> Novozavidovo. Sagbo, who was born in 
> Africa<>,
> has lived in Novozavidovo for 21 years and raised his family there. Russia
> has a history of extreme racial violence, making this election a significant
> milestone.
> Sagbo made many key promises for the impoverished town, saying he wants to
> curb drug addiction, put heating in homes, and clean up pollution.
> Vyacheslav Arakelov, the mayor of Novozavidovo, says that Sagbo is Russian
> inside and that he cares deeply for his hometown. Sagbo will be one of ten
> councilmen for the city.
> Sagbo came to Russia in 1982 to study economics when the country was still
> under Soviet rule. His wife is from Novozavidovo originally, and they raised
> their two children there. Sagbo works as a real estate negotiator, and his
> council position will be unpaid. After initially having no desire to pursue
> politics<>,
> he was persuaded to run by residents of the town. While Russia has a
> checkered racial history, Sagbo says he hasn’t felt any racism. Once a
> prosperous town, Novozavidovo suffered after the fall of 
> Communism<>.
> Sagbo hopes to do his part to rebuild the town.
> --
> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
> Mahogany at:

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
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