On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Mr. Worf <hellomahog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What is your favorite scifi movie character?

Movie is tough. With the exception of those who started out as tv shows it's
hard to think of them. I'm down to Star Wars, the Matrix, and the Last

Would people think ill of me if I said Darth Vader? XD It's the voice.

But if we can count movie/tv crossover, Serenity with River Tam. I want the
movie River Tam Kicks Everyone's Ass. Seriously.

> What is your favorite scifi book character?

Even tougher; I read a lot of cross-genre stuff that blends into fantasy.
Ugh. I have fav scifi *books* but not necessarily characters. I absolutely
adore the Wrinkle in Time series, and I do believe The Little Prince
qualifies. But again, both cross-genre pieces. Also love Phillip K Dick's

I know! I'll go with Red Dwarf, which I read the books before the tv show
aired. Lister is my favorite. :D

> What is your favorite comic book and comic book character?

Either Death from Sandman or Promethea, it's a tossup! If we're counting
manga, Revolutionary Girl Utena and its main char, Utena. Easily,

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