Me either, especially with diabetes on the rise in America. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 7:04:49 PM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Non-invasive way to monitor blood glucose levels 
using light 

A coworker had one that you put a piece of paper under your tongue for a 
minute. It seemed to work well. I'm not sure why they haven't caught on. 

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Keith Johnson < > 

I heard about this tech a good five years ago. I'd have thought it'd be ready 
for primetime by now. In fact, my wife was even asking at the drug store if 
they had the "painless" glucose meters, thinking they already had the 
light-passed devices. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" < > 

Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 5:02:28 PM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Non-invasive way to monitor blood glucose levels using 

Non-invasive way to monitor blood glucose levels using light 

By Darren Quick 

21:06 August 10, 2010 

3 Pictures 
MIT researchers have devised a way to measure blood glucose levels by shining 

MIT researchers have devised a way to measure blood glucose levels by shining 
near-infrared light on the skin (Image: Patrick Gillooly) Image Gallery (3 

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For most sufferers of type 1 diabetes pricking their fingers several times a 
day to draw blood for testing is an annoying (and often painful), but necessary 
part of life. It is essential to keep an eye on blood glucose levels because 
too much sugar can damage organs, while too little deprives the body of 
necessary fuel. To minimize that pain and inconvenience, researchers at MIT’s 
Spectroscopy Laboratory are working on a noninvasive way to measure blood 
glucose levels using light. 

First envisioned by Michael Feld, the late MIT professor of physics and former 
director of the Spectroscopy Laboratory, the technique uses Raman spectroscopy, 
a method that identifies chemical compounds based on the frequency of 
vibrations of the bonds holding the molecule together. The technique can reveal 
glucose levels by simply scanning a patient’s arm or finger with near-infrared 
light, eliminating the need to draw blood. 

Spectroscopy Lab graduate students Ishan Barman and Chae-Ryon Kong are 
developing a small Raman spectroscopy machine, about the size of a laptop 
computer, that could be used in a doctor’s office or a patient’s home. Such a 
device could one day help some of the nearly 1 million people in the United 
States, and millions more around the world, who suffer from type 1 diabetes. 

Researchers in the Spectroscopy Lab have been developing this technology for 
about 15 years. One of the major obstacles they have faced is that 
near-infrared light penetrates only about half a millimeter below the skin, so 
it measures the amount of glucose in the fluid that bathes skin cells (known as 
interstitial fluid), not the amount in the blood. To overcome this, the team 
came up with an algorithm that relates the two concentrations, allowing them to 
predict blood glucose levels from the glucose concentration in interstitial 

However, this calibration becomes more difficult immediately after the patient 
eats or drinks something sugary, because blood glucose soars rapidly, while it 
takes five to 10 minutes to see a corresponding surge in the interstitial fluid 
glucose levels. Therefore, interstitial fluid measurements do not give an 
accurate picture of what’s happening in the bloodstream. 

To address that lag time, Barman and Kong developed a new calibration method, 
called Dynamic Concentration Correction (DCC), which incorporates the rate at 
which glucose diffuses from the blood into the interstitial fluid. In a study 
of 10 healthy volunteers, the researchers used DCC-calibrated Raman 
spectroscopy to significantly boost the accuracy of blood glucose measurements 
— an average improvement of 15 percent, and up to 30 percent in some subjects. 

Barman and Kong plan to launch a clinical study to test the DCC algorithm in 
healthy volunteers this fall. 

The researchers described the new calibration method and results in the July 15 
issue of the journal Analytical Chemistry . 

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