The Associated Press 

ATLANTA — Federal agents are seeking to hire Ebonics translators to help 
interpret wiretapped conversations involving targets of undercover drug 

The Drug Enforcement Administration recently sent memos asking companies that 
provide translation services to help it find nine translators in the Southeast 
who are fluent in Ebonics, Special Agent Michael Sanders said Monday. 

Ebonics, which is also known as African American Vernacular English, has been 
described by the psychologist who coined the term as the combination of English 
vocabulary with African language structure. 

Some DEA agents already help translate Ebonics, Sanders said. But he said 
wasn't sure if the agency has ever hired outside Ebonics experts as 

"They saw a need for this in a couple of their investigations," he said. "And 
when you see a need — it may not be needed now — but we want the contractors to 
provide us with nine people just in case." 

The DEA's decision, first reported by The Smoking Gun, evokes memories of the 
debate sparked in 1996 when the Oakland, Calif., school board suggested that 
black English was a separate language. Although the board later dropped the 
suggestion amid criticism, it set off a national discussion over whether 
Ebonics is a language, a dialect or neither. 

The search for translators covers a wide swath of the Southeast, including 
offices in Atlanta, Washington, New Orleans, Miami and the Caribbean, said 
Sanders. He said he's uncertain why other regions aren't hiring Ebonics 
translators, but said there are ongoing investigations in the Southeast that 
need dedicated Ebonics translators. 

Linguists said Ebonics can be trickier than it seems, partly because the 
vocabulary evolves so quickly. 

"A lot of times people think you're just dealing with a few slang words, and 
that you can finesse your way around it," said John Rickford, a Stanford 
University linguistics professor. "And it's not — it's a big vocabulary. You'll 
have some significant differences" from English. 

Critics worry that the DEA's actions could set a precedent. 

"Hiring translators for languages that are of questionable merit to begin with 
is just going in the wrong direction," said Aloysius Hogan, the government 
relations director of English First, a national lobbying group that promotes 
the use of English. 

"I'm not aware of Ebonics training schools or tests. I don't know how they'd 
establish that someone speaks Ebonics," he said. "I support the concept of 
pursuing drug dealers if they're using code words, but this is definitely going 
in the wrong direction." 

H. Samy Alim, a Stanford linguistics professor who specializes in black 
language and hip-hop culture, said he thought the hiring effort was a joke when 
he first heard about it, but that it highlights a serious issue. 

"It seems ironic that schools that are serving and educating black children 
have not recognized the legitimacy of this language. Yet the authorities and 
the police are recognizing that this is a language that they don't understand," 
he said. "It really tells us a lot about where we are socially in terms of 
recognizing African-American speech." 

Rickford said that hiring Ebonics experts could come in handy for the DEA, but 
he said it's hard to determine whether a prospective employee can speak it well 
enough to translate since there are no standardized tests. He said the ideal 
candidate would be a native speaker who also has had some linguistics training. 

Finding the right translators could be the difference between a successful 
investigation or a failed one, said Sanders. While he said many listeners can 
get the gist of what Ebonics speakers are saying, it could take an expert to 
define it in court. 

"You can maybe get a general idea of what they're saying, but you have to 
understand that this has to hold up in court," he said. "You need someone to 
say, 'I know what they mean when they say 'ballin' or 'pinching pennies.'" 

(This version CORRECTS Corrects name of DEA to 'Administration' instead of 

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