Could be a million reasons. Don't know them, so can't say. Some do it because 
they honestly feel such areas have better quality of life (schools, homes, 
parks, etc). Some do it because they feel deep down that white is better--even 
if they can't admit it to themselves. I have some black friends like that, who 
live in majority white, very conservative areas. Always complaining about 
racism and stuff, but never seem to be able to find the will to move. Makes me 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" <> 
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:38:02 AM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] WTF??? Hitler DNA Tests Show He Likely Had Jewish, 
African Roots, Daily Mail Says 

They live in the mostly white section of Marin county. The area is now much 
more integrated but back then it was about 99% white. They were doing pretty 
well though. (business owners, private school for the girls etc.) Thinking 
back, the lies that they told probably kept them alive in that area. I'm not 
sure why they moved there though. 

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 9:43 PM, Keith Johnson < > 

Really? Where are they located? 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" < > 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 4:29:50 PM 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] WTF??? Hitler DNA Tests Show He Likely Had Jewish, 
African Roots, Daily Mail Says 

I think that there is a lot of demons in the closet on this topic that should 
be exercised. 

@Keith, I have family members that are passing for Portuguese. I only saw them 
twice when I was a kid. I wonder have any of them came out of the racial closet 
or not. 

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 7:59 AM, Keith Johnson < > 

Not at all a surprise. First, the Jewish thing was always noised about. I often 
joke to my wife, why didn't someone, during any of his mass rallies, look at 
him and say "Hey, waitaminute? Didn't he say 'blonde hair and blue eyes? WTF??" 
Secondly, given the centuries of exploration, migration, and conquest, a lot 
more Europeans have African and Asian blood in them than would like to admit. 
They need to do the same DNA tests on J. Edgar Hoover (rumoured to have black 
ancestry) and Babe Ruth (often called disparaging names for a black man by some 
of his white opponents). I've always been fascinated by people who've denied, 
hidden, or simply didn't know about their heritage. For example, former 
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright didn't discover until the last few years 
that she was Jewish. Her family evidently tried to hide that fact, no doubt to 
avoid a lot of problems in American society. I found her surprise surprising, 
as I'd always assumed she was, based on her looks. 

I've long been happy that i'm obviously black, and didn't grow up in a time, 
place, or family where trying to pretend to be something else was either an 
option, a desire, or even a necessity. There's a scene in one of the Easy 
Rollins books--it might be "Devil in A Blue Dress--where Easy is staking out a 
hotel lobby. As he's sitting there, he notices a man sitting in a chair, well 
dressed, manicured nails, light olive skin. Idly curious, Easy stares at the 
man for a sec. They make eye contact, and the man literally starts looking 
agitated. Easy quickly realizes that the man in is fact at least part Black, 
and is obviously passing for something else--Italian or Greek, most likely. 
Easy looks away, silently assuring the "brother" that he's not going to blow 
his cover, cause right or wrong, the man feels he has to hide like that. Easy 
wasn't going to judge him or cause him pain. 

I've often had to fight a kind of knee jerk disgust at people of color who've 
passed for white, or who deny their African roots while embracing the European 
ones. I had a lot of trouble, honestly, with the Torres character on "Voyager", 
for example, because she was ashamed of her Klingon heritage. But I've had to 
realize that some people have been raised in times and places where it's simply 
been too hard to be who they were. Maybe they were taking the easy route; maybe 
they were just trying to survive. I guess I shouldn't judge. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" < > 

Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 2:59:32 AM 
Subject: [scifinoir2] WTF??? Hitler DNA Tests Show He Likely Had Jewish, 
African Roots, Daily Mail Says 

Hitler DNA Tests Show He Likely Had Jewish, African Roots, Daily Mail Says 

By Steven Fromm - Aug 24, 2010 7:39 AM PT 

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Hitler Likely Had Jewish, African Roots, Daily Mail Says 

DNA shows Adolf Hitler likely to have had Jewish or African roots, reports 
Daily Mail. Photographer: Keystone/Getty Images 

Adolf Hitler may have been descended from both Jews and Africans, DNA tests are 
indicating, the Daily Mail reported. 

Journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren used DNA to trace 39 
of the Nazi leader’s relatives earlier this year, the Daily Mail said. 

The relatives included an Austrian farmer, indentified only as a cousin named 
"Norbert H," the Daily Mail reported. 

A chromosome called "Haplogroup E1b1b," or Y-DNA, in the relatives’ saliva 
samples is rare in Germany, as well as Western Europe, the newspaper said. 

"It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and 
Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews," Vermeeren said. 

Mulders told Belgian magazine Knack that "[o]ne can from this postulate that 
Hitler was related to people whom he despised," the Daily Mail reported. 
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