Dody Suria Wijaya wrote:

how about implementing dialog window, filled with list of filename (no full path) of the buffers, just like in Visual Studio .NET's Alt-W-W (Window-Windows). It's pretty handy when you had this 50+ buffers opened at a time, and you know the file's name, and you just want to switch to that buffer with simple blind typing on keyboard, no matter what the buffers order, or even the z-order (if you use my scite1.66 with z-order at - lol).

I attached what the list look like in Note that since the filename is on the first column, I could type letter by letter, and the list selection would jump to given typed word (just like find inline), which i'm sure, is the default behaviour for a list control, at least in win32.

After reading all of the comments to this point, here are mine:

I only ever use the full buffer/window list in VS when I realize I have too many buffers and want to prune the tree. :)

A clean and well-working "Z-order" switcher like the one in VS would be *wonderful*, as I very often want to just switch back and forth between the last TWO buffers (because I am comparing them and/or cutting and pasting pieces between them) without having to use the mouse to do it... but this should be a platform-independent feature (or at least available on all supported platforms, which is not necessarily the same thing I suppose).

And whenever I get away from "clean" (platform-independent) parts of Scintilla/SciTE source, I get lost. :(

Robert Roessler
Scite-interest mailing list

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