Greetings, I'm running SciTE 1.66 (built from source) on Linux/GTK+. A few queries:

1) It seems that selecting and then dragging text (with left button) *copies* rather than moves the selected text. This seems odd... other GTK+ apps (gedit, for instance) will move text if dragged; to drag/copy one holds down the Ctrl key while dragging. I have not found a way to move text by dragging.

2) Simply selecting in SciTE seems to allow middle-button pasting *within* SciTE, but not externally (eg. to an xterm); again, this is not the case for gedit. There seems (also) to be an inscrutable relationship between copying by simple selection vs. copying by Edit/Copy. I suspect this is probably a GTK+ issue rather than SciTE-specific, but could some kind soul clarify for me how copy/paste works under GTK+ ?

3) I tend to use SciTE with, but sometimes open other instances by running SciTE The documentation says if then an "arbitrary instance" of SciTE is activated when SciTE is invoked from the command line. How arbitrary is arbitrary...? It would be nice if, say, the last focused instance were activated, but this seems not to be the case. This becomes an issue particularly when one works (as I do) on multiple workspaces.



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