April White:

> Oh, at this time, the SciTEJobQueue.h file contains some debugging
> define's and stuff, but they are only active when DEBUG is defined, but
> I also left in a line that define'd it.

   These are quite compiler-specific.

> 2. implement a means whereby a direct call to Execute() is unnecessary

   I don't understand what you are planning here?

> Neil, any one, I'll need suggestions on #1 and #2.
> #1. My lessons on semaphores & mutexes was about eight years ago.  I
> know that Windows has mutexes, but what about Linux?

   scintilla/gtk/PlatGTK.cxx uses the GMutex type provided by glib.
This code could be used but since SciTE on GTK+ is single threaded it
is simpler to provide a null implementation.


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