April White:

> I have eliminated the flag 'isBuilding' by adding a job flag
> jobIsBuilding.  This is working fine, though I want to keep the output
> of the first job on the screen when the second job runs.  The
> SciTEBase::Execute() method clears the output pane between, so I'm
> trying to find an optimum solution.

   It should only clear if you've set clear.before.execute but I see
what you mean. Maybe have a clears screen flag on each job which is
only set on the first if you are adding both a build and go.

> However that is not the point of this email.  I think the 'isBuilt' flag
> needs to be looked at a little.  The flag is only used when the GO
> command does not need to rebuild the file.  I'm using the example of a
> .c file.  I understand this flag, however there is a problem if there
> are two .c files open at the same time.
> Using GO on the first sets a global flag so that when you select the
> other buffer and use GO, it is not (re)built and either fails because
> the EXE does not exist, or runs the outdated EXE.

   The go.needs feature was added back when SciTE was really a single
document editor. I liked being able to use C almost as a scripting
language when unit testing.

> I'd like to remove the flag and replace it with a query against the
> buffer IsDirty flag, but the existing implementation, when a file is
> loaded, builds before the first GO, even though the buffer is not
> dirty.  Most times the 'isBuilt' flag and 'IsDirty' flag are opposite of
> each other except when the buffer is first loaded

   It is too easy to save a file, setting it to not dirty before
pressing the Go button. Perhaps a lastBuiltTime for each buffer which
could be compared against the file time which would be updated if the
file was dirty and thus saved before running.

> Any suggestions, including that I'm wasting a lot of time of a trivial
> issue, is welcome.

   go.needs could be removed for simplicity but I think its a good
feature for simple programs.


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