Neil Hodgson wrote:

... I want to keep the output of the first job on the screen when the second job runs.
... Maybe have a clears screen flag on each job which is only set on the first 
if you are adding both a build and go.
I was thinking of querying for the 'jobIsBuilding' flag but it initially failed. I must have done something wrong, I'll re-examine my code. If I remember my test, the output was not cleared between the two jobs but it was also not cleared between pressing F5/Go multiple times.

... Perhaps a lastBuiltTime for each buffer which
could be compared against the file time which would be updated if the
file was dirty and thus saved before running.
 go.needs could be removed for simplicity but I think its a good
feature for simple programs.
I recall someone asking a question some months ago about something, the output of something made from the source file, yada yada, so I think at this point keeping the go.needs is prudent. The timestamp may be overkill, and would also entail a filesystem query to determine the file timestamp.

Maybe remove the global flag isBuilt, remove the buffer flag IsDirty, and introduce a buffer variable 'flags' with an enum of none=0, dirty=1, built=2. This would be a small change all around, still maintaining the existing buffer 'dirty' functionality, and improving the functionality of the 'go.needs' system.

I know it is not part of the job queue I'm working on, but I've not thought of a solution of the parameterized command problem, so this'll keep me occupied in the meantime.


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