Robert wrote:
Neil Hodgson wrote:
I want to teach SciTE to complile a .pas file (on Ctrl-F7) with an
old compiler like
tpc.exe <file>
command.compile.*.pas=tpc "$(FilePath)"
and at best when there is a compiler error (exit status 1) parse this
simple output scheme:
Turbo Pascal Version 6.0 Copyright (c) 1983,90 Borland International
MODCOMM.PAS(71): Error 36: BEGIN expected.
Borland format errors are understood.
Thanks. The call works with
command.compile.*.pas=\tp60\tpc.exe "$(FileName)"
Yet it only reports the ExitStatus 0 or 1:
\tp60\tpc.exe "APP"
Exit code: 1
\tp60\tpc.exe "APP"
Exit code: 0
It is strange. error detection works correct with python - a 32bit app- in the execution
windows and F4 for "next error":
python "xxx"
python: can't open file 'xxx'
Exit code: 2
python ""
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 2, in ?
NameError: name 'xx' is not defined
but with tpc.exe - a 16bit app - there is not output/stderr-output. just Exit
code :
\tp60\tpc.exe "APP.PAS"
Exit code: 1
but when I try to catch the output of TPC.EXE for example with Python, i get
the output well:
f=os.popen(r'\tp60\tpc.exe app.pas')
'Turbo Pascal Version 6.0 Copyright (c) 1983,90 Borland
International\nAPP.PAS(0)\rAPP.PAS(0)\rAPP.PAS(110): Error 36: BEGIN
expected.\n x\n ^'
Why does SciTE not get the output of a 16bit App? Or what do I miss?
The error message detection or cursor placement is not done so far -
also no display of the (stderr) output.
Is this possible - maybe with some external python scripting?
And/or how to enable at least display of stdout/stderr outputs in the
SciTE execution window?
beep and set the cursor to the error line
Doesn't beep.
Is this possible? probably with some Python script support?
Write a script that runs the command and beeps depending on exit
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