
I use key_commands.lua from Mitchell's SciTE-tools to setup my custom shortcut keys which depends on OnKey. With the new 1.74 test using Lua5.1, the shortcuts behave somewhat strange. For instant, I defined the shortcuts ax+a (holding on Alt and X simutaneously and after releasing type A) to input the TeX command \alpha. It worked perfect for the old 1.73 with OnKey compiled in. But with 1.74test, the result of the shortcuts becomes \alphaa (i.e. the command configured to be input followed by the laster key name letter pressed). This happens for all the custum commands I have thus far configured.
You need to return 'true' in OnKey. When a key command is handled successfully, OnKey should return 'true' so SciTE does not process it any more.

Also, the FileBrowser.lua from SciTE-tools does not work while openning folders of depth >2 (relative to the root folder). I'm wondering whether this strange behavior is due to the change of Lua language from 5.0 to 5.1 or due to the different implementation of OnKey?

It should have nothing to do with that fact that Lua went from 5.0 to 5.1. I have been using 5.1 all along when writing my extensions in SciTE-tools.


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