On 11/07/2007 05:38, Kronuz wrote:
Hey how hard would it be to add <style type=”text/css”> /* CSS */ </style> support for CSS in the HTML lexer? Would it be possible for someone to do it and add that support? It would be really nice if it had that.

The HTML lexer is one huge lexer, using all available styling bits, so there is no room for another language like CSS, alas. Neil mentioned the possibility to drop embedded Python, whose usage is scarce, in favor of CSS.
Also I think some recent features might change this problem.

Also, I had a question about how the support for those other languages is added in the LexHTML.cxx… how come the JavaScript painted by the HTML lexer has different fonts/colors than the regular JavaScript lexer for .js files? Shouldn’t it be the same? And how is it that it has different background color too?

The background color in the HTML is here to easily distinguish JS sections from HTML sections. It is not necessary if the file contains only JS.
Color schemes can be changed anyway.
I bet the JS lexer in the HTML lexer has been written/maintained by different people than the JS lexer (which is actually a C lexer).

BTW, it would be nice to write in plain text to this list, I don't know what font you use in your message, but it is painful to read in Thunderbird. Thanks.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
--  http://Phi.Lho.free.fr
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