Hi all

I want to edit flash/actionscript in Linux (Ubuntu 6.06). The  scite 
installation in the package manager is 1.67. I have used the discontinued 
Scite|Flash distribution for windows and would like to incorporate some of its 
features into the linux version. Sorry for the long mail, but I've been 
struggling with this for a couple of days so I'll explain my problems in detail.

The first thing I'm unsure about is the extent of built in flash support in the 
Linux version. Falsh(actionscript) is listed as a supported language for scite. 
When I open a .as file I get correct syntax highlighting and code folding, but 
there is no properties file and no language selection option (even amongst the 
commented ones in the global properties file). I would like to edit the compile 
and build commands to use a makefile, but since there is no properties file, I 
don't know how to proceed.

I have  copied the flash.properties, flash.api, API.flashcommClient, 
API.flashcommServer files from the scite|flash windows distribution into my 
/usr/share/scite directory where all the other properties files are located. 
After adding 'import flash' to the sciteglobal.properties all code highlighting 
I assume this is because of the command 


in flash.properties and that there is no lexer named flash outside of 
scite|flash. If I change this to 


, I get the correct syntax highlighting in the style specified by 
flash.properties. I can also edit the compile options in flash.properties to my 
liking with the correct effect. I can also successfully add flash to the 
language selection menu.

However, code I cant get auto completion and call tips working properly. If I 
add "autocompleteword.automatic=1" to my sciteuser.properties I get auto 
completion on keywords and functions the second time I use them in a file. Is 
this normal?  Also  call tips are not functioning at all, in spite of the 
inclusion of flash.api and the following lines in flash.properties

#    Load the Flash API 

The only reference to call tips in sciteglobal.properties is 
#calltip.back=#FFF0FE which doesn't activate call tips if I uncomment it.

To summerise:
    1) Is there a different lexer i should use instead of cpp (a built in flash 
    2) Is there a way to get the auto completion to give all the options listed 
in the flash.properties file without having used them in the file being edited?
    3)How do I get call tips working?

I've attached the relevant files from the scite|flash distribution.
Thanks in advance,

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Attachment: scite files.tar.gz
Description: 1548663726-scite files.tar.gz

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