Steve Donovan wrote:
>  I picked up what I thought was the latest, and it still had the old
> case, so I let it be.

The latest before yours was this one:
It doesn't work with the latest revisions, as it doesn't acknowledge
the changes with StringList and those things.

> Yes - Extension defines OnBeforeSave(const char *), which could be
> useful. But then I must also make sure this is done on the Windows
> side as well.

I thought a bit more about, and I am not sure OnBeforeSave would be
really useful for the director extension. One use case for this would
be making a backup of the file before it gets saved. The problem is
that we are here talking about IPC, which means it is asynchronous.
SciTE would send a message before saving, but we can't make it wait
for the director, so it would save the file and send the message
"saved:" directly after that, and the director would have no way to
ensure that the file is copied before being saved. A backup script
would be quite easy to write using the Lua extension, anyway.

Unless you see other use cases for OnBeforeSave that wouldn't suffer
from the race conditions I described, I think we shouldn't include it.


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