steve donovan:

> 1) Currently, Find-in-files is initialized with the property
> 'find.files", but it would be cool if there was an option for it to
> use the _current extension_ to build up a mask. If I am working in
> Python, then it should know that I am probably wanting to search
> Python files, etc.

   How are you going to arbitrate between the current extension's
choice and the history? I commonly make a series of searches with one

> 2) View|Parameters sets $(1)..$(4). It would be convenient if there
> was a new constructed property $(Parameters) which is built out of
> these properties, quoted if necessary to make a valid command line. It
> would then be quite safe to update all the command.go properties to
> use $(Parameters)  out of the box.

    Don't really see the advantage over using quotes where needed when
specifying commands.

> 3) On the scripting side, scite.MenuCommand() takes an integer id
> which has to be looked up in SciTE.h by a human. Now SciTE already
> maintains a map of 'IDM_...' constants, so it is possible to redefine
> Extender::MenuCommand() to take a string argument and use this table
> if necessary, so that one can use symbolic 'IDM_..' names. This only
> takes an extra 15 lines and doesn't otherwise affect the interfaces.

   This has been looked at before. If you have a good way of doing it
I'll probably include it.

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