> I have uploaded to:
> ...

        long cancelFlag; /* only one job can be executing at a time, this
should be safe as a public variable of the class */

   The cancelFlag is used in both the UI thread and the execution
thread so should be protected. That is why InterlockedExchange is used
in the current code. The same effect should be possible by using the
JobQueue mutex in an int SetCancelFlag(int value) method.

   The IDM_FINISHEDEXECUTE and IDM_JOBS cases are too complex to
contain within SciTEWin::Command so should be moved out into methods.

> I've included Changelog-AprilW.txt in which I've tried to list all of
> the changes I made.  There are one or three changes outside of the
> command system I did which I hope will also be accepted.

   Including multiple changes in a patch makes it much harder to review.

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