>> Would you mind quoting the paragraph where I can find the answer? On the
>> whole page there is not a single occurrence of "?". This is not an
>> answer (I do know how to work with REs), but leaves room for speculation
>> at best.
> Well, if you don't find "?", that mean it isn't supported... REs in 
> Scintilla are pretty primitive...

Thanks for this information. As I said: It not being mentioned left room
for speculation. I have read hundreds of manuals in the last 20 years,
and from my experience the fact alone that something is not mentioned
does not necessarily mean that it is unsupported. Often it just means
that the documentation is incomplete. So forgive me if I asked, I wanted
to be sure. If your initial answer would have been just the tiniest bit
more explicit, this to-and-fro would have been avoided.

> Note that with a more complete RE library, and the text you gave:
> foo
> foobar
> fubar
> baz
> foobaz
> you should find 6 occurences: 6 with o and 2 with ob.

Correct. I was just focusing on the two I was testing on, my fault.

Talking about REs, I would like to ask the developers if there is any
chance for a more extensive RE library being implemented or adapted
(there are several free candidates which might fit in, I can imagine) in
the near future? I do not want to push, just know, so I have a basis to
decide if I can plan on making SciTE my default editor or still stay
with another product, even though there are many features I like very
much about SciTE. But I do need basic RE support ("?" is pretty basic, I
guess) and also often need multi-line REs, in rare cases even things
like lazy matching (nice to have). As I said, just asking, explaining
and suggesting, not pushing. Who am I to force you anyway? ;-)

Alexander Kriegisch
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