> If you want to activate SciTE from within a virtual terminal, take a look
> at wmctrl [1]. I don't know which distribution you're using, but it's
> probably in the repositories. You could then have a little script,
> something like:
> #!/bin/sh
> SciTE "$@" &
> wmctrl -a SciTE

Just to pay back a little bit of what you gave me, here is my current
setup which works for MC with SciTE as an external editor (EDITOR
environment variable) and for Subversion (SVN_EDITOR environment
variable, because here we exceptionally need *no* single instance

export EDITOR='/usr/bin/sc'
export SVN_EDITOR='/usr/bin/scite -check.if.already.open=0'

/usr/bin/scite "$@"
wmctrl -a scite

/usr/bin/sc is a self-created script which is needed by MC, because a
simple alias will do from the shell, but obviously not from MC via F4.
This is a bit off-topic, but probably describes a not so uncommon setup
of using SciTE as a default editor for different cases.

Alexander Kriegisch
Scite-interest mailing list

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