Morten Norman wrote:

> In Europe, GSM is very common.  Thus the GSM SIM  is a *very* widespread
> T=0 smartcard...
> But how common are SIM cards in other countries?

There are some GSM phones in the US (our cards are, at least, used in California -- 
the well publicized "crack" of GSM card was ours :-( and I hear GSM is much more 
active in Asia (other than Japan, I believe, since they have their own protocols).

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Product Manager, Smart Cards, Schlumberger APC
TEL/FAX: +1 512-331-3727         8311 N RR 620, Austin, TX 78726  U.S.A.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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