On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 06:40:03PM -0500, David Corcoran wrote:
> Also, if you have an interesting project that you are using pcsc-lite
> please contact me and tell me - I'm always interested to hear what people
> are doing.

I'm struggling with a few concepts in applications I've been playing
around with in how pcsc integrates with the rest of the operating
system, Linux in my case.

I'm interested in how people are using pcsc as well. I have been
playing with openssh for example. My ultimate goal would be a general
authentication service utilizing smartcard services, but I wonder
about a lot of design decisions.

In my brief hacking of openssh, I started modifying their ssh-agent.
This service allows for initial startup of the agent and sign in when
adding private keys to the agent. In my case I faked out the agent and
instead added the smartcard services as my private key. That way, any
time I used ssh, it would 'naturally' consult the agent for RSA
authentication and away it went with no user interaction. The initial
goal of the agent is to give the user a seamless experience when using
RSA authentication with ssh. My integration with pcsc provided the
same experience but I was just playing with it and hardcoded CHV
verification into the agent. Obviously this is not a real solution.
Now when turning to a real implementation, I run into some practical

The first is when to do CHV. I could do it every time I access the
card, but this would mean interaction with the user every time they
used the smartcard. I could store the CHV, but that's next in line to
doing private key processing on the host, I didn't want to store
sensitive information on the host hence my purchase of the smartcard.
I could sign into the card and leave it open. Is this possible or
desirable? Would this lock the card from use with other applications?

Then I thought, what if I open the card when initially sign in and
leave it open with some other sort of middleware and just access the
middleware with all of my apps? Is this the real purpose of pcsc's RPC
design? If that's the case I could just do everything in relation to
that, but how do I then control access to pcsc?

I'm hitting a wall or something here, and any kind of guidance would
be greatly appreciated. I really want something I could build around
along the lines of initial sign into the system and then rudimentary
control over how apps access these services during the life of the
session. It should be resiliant to brief interruptions of card
availability (user pulls the card to go to lunch for example). Also,
I'd like to monitor access to the card along the lines of an applet
that lets the user know what apps are accessing the card so he/she can
pull it if something funny looks like it's going on. Obviously, I'm
simply asking for single sign on (haha).

I'd also like to talk with any PAM gurus out there and some direction
on that architecture. In my initial research it looks like it's built
with plugs for an agent type architecture that I don't see many people
using. I even found some good architectural discussion from HP's PAM
designs for a smartcard infrastructure.

I guess I like the idea of a Kerberos type infrastructure where I
unlock my ticket granting architecture initially and all
authentication and trust flows from there. I just think Kerberos is a
little overkill, adminsitratively difficult, and showing weakness 
when put along modern techniques such as asymmetric cryptography and
tamper resistant smartcard hardware.

I feel like a solution is within reach. My real question is: with all
of this powerful open source software, why do we continue to take
incremental steps when more agressive steps are possible? We have the
option of ignoring many legacy issues and yet even in research type
situations, we continue to stay mired in aging techniques and
technology. I think open source and efforts of projects such as
M.U.S.C.L.E. have the tools and capability of at least letting us
glimpse this future. I'm sure the payment is in blood, sweat, and tears
of developers such as David Corcoran and Tommaso Cucinotta (who works
on the smartsign project, I used his and David's efforts with ssp-lite
for my hacking on openssh). I'd be willing to contribute to the fund
but my blood, sweat, and tear currency needs a little help getting
spent :).

I'm sure this was a lot longer blurb than David was expecting with his
innocent "interesting project" note that I am responding to, but I am
interested in comments on this stuff.

If you don't want to comment on the philosophical stuff, at least
comment on the simple questions of how people are dealing with when
and how to do CHV for 'unlocking' use of the private key on a
smartcard. That one was on topic :)

Stephen Pellicer
Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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