
I got the same problem.
I'm using a chip drive driver, a SLE 4428 as a smart card and
towitoko2.0.2, and pcsc-lite-0.8.4.

I always got the response 6E 00 when i wanted to select the Master File
(And even if i change the instruction code or whatever)

However the tester provided with towitoko get the right answer (90 00).

After searching for 3 days i manage to get the right answer using

Code generating wrong answer :

file sc_filesystem.c
LONG SCSelectFile(SCARDHANDLE hCard, BYTE fileId1, BYTE fileId2)

  LONG rv; //The response status
  DWORD dwLength = 2;

  BYTE bufToRecv[50]={0}; //unsigned char * bufToRecv
  BYTE cmdToSend[7]={1};
  //sRecvPci.dwProtocol = 0;
  //sSendPci.dwProtocol = 0;
  sRecvPci.dwProtocol = SCARD_PROTOCOL_RAW;
  sSendPci.dwProtocol = SCARD_PROTOCOL_RAW;

  cmdToSend[0] = 0xC0; // Class (Same result with 0x00)
  cmdToSend[1] = 0xa4; // INS : Select APDU
  cmdToSend[2] = 0x00; // P1 : 00 (Select by file id)
  cmdToSend[3] = 0x00; // P2 : 00 (Return the FCI)
  cmdToSend[4] = 0x02; // Length of the data field (Here 2 bytes)
  cmdToSend[5] = fileId1; // 1st byte of the fileId.
  cmdToSend[6] = fileId2; // 2nd byte of the fileId.
  //cmdToSend[7] = 0x00; // Return up to 256 or 65536 response byte.
  //cmdToSend[7] Empty

  rv = SCardTransmit(hCard, &sSendPci, cmdToSend, 7, &sRecvPci,
bufToRecv, &dwLength);

  if (rv == SCARD_S_SUCCESS && dwLength == 2)
      int i;
      printf("PCSC OK: %s\n", pcsc_stringify_error(rv));
      for(i = 0; i < dwLength; i++)
           printf("Result APDU : %x\n", bufToRecv[i]);
        return rv;
          printf("PCSC ERROR: %s\n", pcsc_stringify_error(rv));
           return rv;


Now testLib.c

  //dwPreferredProtocols = SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0;

  printf("Test SCardConnect ... \n");

  rv = SCardConnect(hContext, szReader, dwShareMode,
      &hCard, &dwActiveProtocol);

if ( rv != SCARD_S_SUCCESS )
      printf("PCSC ERROR: %s\n", pcsc_stringify_error(rv));
      return 1;

  printf("Connection to the Card Successful ...\n");
  printf("Protocol in used : %li ...\n", dwActiveProtocol);

  printf("Testing SCSelectFile ... \n");

  rv = SCSelectFile(hCard, fileId[0], fileId[1]);

  if ( rv != SCARD_S_SUCCESS )
      printf("PCSC ERROR: %s\n", pcsc_stringify_error(rv));
      return 1;

When i used this piece of code i always got 6e 00.
I noticed that the value of dwActiveProtocol was equal to 0, whatever
i used in the SCardCONNECT function.

So i did this few changes in the SCSelectFile function
   sRecvPci.dwProtocol = 0;
   sSendPci.dwProtocol = 0;
  //sRecvPci.dwProtocol = SCARD_PROTOCOL_RAW;
  //sSendPci.dwProtocol = SCARD_PROTOCOL_RAW;

I just replace SCARD_PROTOCOL_RAW by 0 and now everything is working

What i would like to know is why this behavior ?
Is there a cleaner way to fix that ?


Christian Jean
Software Engineer
Celestix Networks PTE LTD : http://www.celestix.com

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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