
On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 10:45:27AM +0200, Schalamonek Henrik wrote:
> I'm looking for a PKCS#11 implementation for linux that works with
> Crpyptoflex smart cards but could not find any. I would really
> appreciate if anyone could help me out. I'm also interested in other
> cards if it has a PKCS#11 library for linux.

I do know of three PKCS#11 libraries supporting smart cards under GNU/Linux:

1) iD2: Commercial library. iD2 was bought by SmartTrust and it seams,
   they have canceled the linux version.

2) TrustCenter Hamburg: This is based on GPKCS11. It is not available,
   because it uses a secret smart card API.

3) University Frankfurt: This is based on GPKCS11, too. It is not available,
   too. Time may change this. (I have the changes they made to GPKCS11 itself
   and will apply them to the official GPKCS11.)

So basically the answer is: no

If the iButton is ok for you, you may look at their library and see if it
is usable for you. (The do not support e.g. data objects.)

endergone Zwiebeltuete

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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