On 19/03/2009, at 7:29 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 19-Mar-09, at 1:25 AM, Olivier Lamy wrote:

Ok. It's was not really clear for me.

There is precedent - we grandfathered in Checkstyle which is LGPL as it is just a dependency of a plugin, which we don't actually distribute.

The general talk - though not confirmed - is that optional dependencies that the user must obtain themselves could be ok. There isn't a legal problem with the combination, but rather a policy one that you don't distribute something that is essentially useless without a dependency of a stronger license.

We should ask, but I personally think this is ok, as long as:
- it is not made the default provider
- instructions on the site about how to use it spell out that it requires the dependency and that it is not under the AL
- we don't bundle and distribute

Technically we are not redistributing anything and we can ask the board for clarification because in the strictest sense we do not redistribute. But I think folks here would interpret a dependency in your POM as being equivalent.

No need to ask the board, you can file a request here: 


Brett Porter

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