On Oct 21, 2012, at 6:14 AM, Russel Winder <> wrote:

> On Sun, 2012-10-21 at 12:15 +0200, Dirk Bächle wrote:
>> Russel,
>> one of the Buildslaves is a Fedora 17 system, so I wonder why you still 
>> get so many fails. I added some notes about which packages I installed, to
>> . Maybe you can have a look and compare what's needed.
>> If things still don't work out, bug #2872 is still open. If you could 
>> attach a full error log there (containing all the stdout and stderr 
>> outputs) I'd be able to take a crack at it.
> Until Fedora gets it's TeXLive act together I won't be using it in
> anger, just as an occasional RPM building machine and CI. So I can do
> tests of SCons tests in this "no real use" dark corner?
> I suspect all the issues are to do with lack of infrastructure as Bill
> surmised.
> I'll try and fulfil the request later today.

In theory the tests shouldn't fail in the case where you do the base install as 
you have.

I'll try to do a base FC17 install on a VM and see if I can sort some (or all) 
of it out.
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