I don't see the bricks errors anymore, good.

I'm not sure everything is getting built into build/ however.  For instance
the *_xi.xml and *_db.xml files are getting created in the doc/man dir. At
one point I thought I had changed something and they didn't get rebuilt,
which is why I noticed.  (Might be missing a dependency somewhere?)

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Dirk Bächle <tshor...@gmx.de> wrote:

> On 23.04.2013 02:28, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:
>> Works much better now.  I re-cloned and installed fop and now it builds.
>>  I do get some errors about the bricks SVG file:
>> SEVERE: svg graphic could not be built: file:/home/user/src/scons_doc_**
>> toolchain/doc/design/**titlepage/SConsBuildBricks_**path.svg:0
>> The URI "file:/home/dirk/workspace/**docs/scons/xincluded_**
>> userguide/user/titlepage/**bricks.jpg"
>> on element <image> can't be opened because:
>> The URI can't be opened:
>> /home/dirk/workspace/docs/**scons/xincluded_userguide/**user/titlepage/bricks.jpg
>> (No such file or directory)
> Yeah,
> sorry about that...the SVG file contained an absolute path to the included
> JPG file. This is now fixed with the latest commit.
> Dirk
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