Hi devs,

since we're now using DocBook as source format for all our documentation, it would technically be relatively easy to publish things like the MAN page or the UserGuide in EPUB format as well. The latest versions of "pandoc" (> 1.12.x) offer a DocBook reader and do a, more or less, good job in rendering the single markups.
Find a shortened version of the UserGuide attached, as a first example...

The question now is: Should we go this route? Then I'd try to integrate an "ebook" target into the build and bootstrapping process, such that EPUBs get created automatically if "pandoc" can be found on the current system.

Note, how this would add a dependency to "pandoc" for all the ReleaseManagers...and this currently means installing the full Haskell platform package with approx 400MB. ;)

Your comments?

Best regards,


Attachment: scons.epub
Description: application/epub

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