On 06.09.2014 14:41, anatoly techtonik wrote:
I am afraid you're the only one who knows what you're doing. =) If you
could paste a reference to this specific wiki location, I could change
my mind, but so far I am definitely not in the list of people who are
able to track this progress.
And to better understand my position, the **actionable** thing is the
one that can be solved by anyone, i.e. by majority of people. To make
this rule practical - by majority of people in this list. So it is not that I
doubt in your abilities to solve it, it is that I doubt in my abilities to
give it a proper review.
since you're mentioning it yourself, Gary is not the only developer who
is able to review this properly. There are also Bill, Russel and
myself...that makes four core devs in total, which I regard to be the
current majority.
I understand that this topic is important to you and you really want to
contribute. But you're also saying yourself that you have trouble to get
the big picture, when a lot of text is involved. The toolchain redesign
is a complex problem, and I don't see a chance to always break things
down into tiny pieces that are easy enough to chew on, while staying to
the point and laying out the foundations for the actual implementation.
So, if you have the "MSVC init" problem as a user case that you don't
want to be missed, please add it to the Wiki page. If you can think of
more cases where you expect issues arising, add them as well. This will
help a lot during the design phase, and is probably the best way for you
to make a valuable addition.
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