This might be obvious, but it the exception pattern not popular in python?
On Sep 8, 2014 9:19 PM, "Gary Oberbrunner" <> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Kenny, Jason L <>
> wrote:
>> Ideally I always viewed this as a True False statement. I see you have it
>> returning a tuple.
>> I only worry that I have seen a lot push with certain python developers
>> to say stuff like
>> if not tool.exists():
>>     # do something…
>> This will not work as we will have a (True,””) or (False,””) return API.
>> This seems to me to more complex to use and understand. At the very least
>> east to trip up on. If we want an object returned. I think it will be
>> better to define a error object that can be tested as True or False vs
>> forcing tuple separation on returns values.
> Excellent point.  The 'if not tool.exists()' pattern needs to work.  I'll
> rethink that.  Maybe something as simple as tool.exist_error() which can be
> called just after exists() returns False...
> --
> Gary
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