I had emailed on here a few days back asking for some help so that I can
contribute to SCons. I'm grateful for the response and I read the guides
that I was directed to.

I read up to chapter 8 of the documentation beyond which it was getting a
tad bit complicated for me. I shall absolutely get back to it later
(college end semester exams coming up!). I also looked around on the other
links (man page, developer's guide).

I checked the bug marked 'easy' on tigris and I found this one which I'd
like to fix - http://scons.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2494.
Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea what I should do next to go about
fixing the same. What do I do next?

I've forked scons and cloned it to my local disk, if that helps.

Shreedhar Manek.

P.S. - I changed the email id I had used to register on the mailing list,
just mentioning it to avoid confusion.

On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 12:03 PM, Shreedhar Manek <sm123ro...@gmail.com>

> Shreedhar Manek
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dirk Bächle <tshor...@gmx.de>
> Date: Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 9:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [Scons-dev] Contribution to SCons development.
> To: scons-dev@scons.org
> Hi Shreedhar,
> On 15.11.2014 03:01, Shreedhar Manek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a college student new to open source. I came across SCons when I was
>> looking around for projects in Python and I find it very interesting. I'd
>> like to contribute to its development.
>> Any pointers as to where I could start? I'm fairly proficient in Python,
>> and always open to learning :)
>>  welcome to this mailing list and thanks a lot for wanting to contribute
> to our development!
> I suggest that you start by getting some basic understanding about how
> SCons works in general. You could have a short look at the first chapters
> of the UserGuide ( http://scons.org/doc/production/HTML/scons-user.html )
> and the MAN page ( http://scons.org/doc/production/HTML/scons-man.html ).
> The Wiki ( http://scons.org/wiki ) has lots of material too, especially
> the DeveloperGuide ( http://www.scons.org/wiki/DeveloperGuide and
> http://scons.org/wiki/DeveloperGuide/Introduction) which is aimed at
> people who want to hack on the core directly.
> Under http://scons.org/wiki/DeveloperGuide/EasyIssuesToFix you can find a
> link/query into our bug tracker, listing bugs that are marked as
> "easy"...so have a look there and try to find one that seems to fit your
> level of Python proficiency.
> Starting with documentation bugs (like fixing a simpe typo) is a good way
> of getting to know the workflow (cloneing, editing, creating a pull
> request, review phase, ...).
> Finally, http://scons.org/wiki/HowToContribute lists several more ideas
> for helping out the project.
> All this being said, just start...and if you get stuck, ask more questions
> here. ;) Anytime that you don't "understand abc" or can't seem to "find
> xyz", we can try to use this information to make things better...
> Best regards,
> Dirk
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