On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 4:35 AM, Shreedhar Manek <shreedharma...@gmail.com>

>>> I change the integer the equivalent string in chmod.py (eg. 0444
>>> to S_IRWXU and S_IRWXG and S_IRWXO) but there is problem ahead into the
>>> program and the test fails at this point -
>> Watch out, 0444 is not the same as  S_IRWXU and S_IRWXG and S_IRWXO,
>> which would be 0000 because of the "and"s. 0444 is S_IRUSR or S_IRGRP or
> Ah, of course. Thanks!
>> s = S_IMODE(os.stat(test.workpath('f1'))[ST_MODE])
>>> test.fail_test(s != 0444)
>>> What do I do about this?
>> How does it fail?  What is the value of s at that point?
> The value of s at that point in decimal is 256. I cannot figure why
> though, as the only change that I've made is switching 0444 by S_IRUSR or
> 256 is octal 0400, so it looks like it's only getting the S_IRUSR part.
And that's because I steered you wrong; these are bitmasks, so you have to
use bitwise OR:  S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH

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