On Wed, 2017-04-19 at 10:42 -0700, Bill Deegan wrote:
> I appreciate your point of view.

I think we all agree on the principle, but the details are getting in
the way of practicality.

> But for many years now it has been separate.

And I suspect only the stalwarts and old hands even go there.

> We will migrate at some point.

I have to say, at this point in time, I have some doubts. I would like
to be proved wrong.

I think we have had two goes round this, and in the end no-one has had
the energy to push past all the trivial niggles that people put forward
to try and stiffle the move.

> For the time being, it's really not such a huge burden to login to
> tigris
> to file a bug.

For me arguably not. For D users used to GitHub, I suspect it may be. I
can imagine them saying "The repo is on GitHub why the #### do I have
to go to some unheard of closing down system, sign up and login, to
submit bug reports." Even were I to move the repo to BitBucket – and if
I can work out how to get the equivalent of Travis-CI working from a
Git repository on BitBucket, I'm happy to do that – the same argument
regarding issues and Tigris would apply. I will though look to move to
BitBucket on the assumption SCons is staying there – which seems
sensible, at least in the short term.

Clearly no-one has the energy or resource to be tackling the "transfer
the issue handler" just now. But I can imagine the very act of
suggesting we get stuck into this will bring up the arguments about how
the BitBucket issue handler is rubbish, and all actual progress will be
stiffled. What is needed here is action ignoring the words. Someone
already had at least part of a "get stuff out of Tigris and put it in
BitBucket". I suggest we update it, do any further tweaks, run it,
switch to BitBucket and leave ourselves open to a better workflow. And
ignore the moans from people who like the Tigris system.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@winder.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder

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