
On 31.08.2017 02:46, Bill Deegan wrote:

On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 9:55 AM, Gaurav Juvekar < <>> wrote:



    Couldn't the patches be re-uploaded as gists and then linked from
    within the
    GitHub issue?

True. This can also happen after the initial migration.
Dirk - is it simple to grab the various attachments from tigris?

I'd say so, yes. Let me dig up the sources for that, which might take a day or two.

What I also have is a complete download of the old "devel" and "user" mailing lists from Tigris. My goal for these is to write some data classes that enable you to search for certain keywords over the single entries. Like this it could serve as some kind of "knowledge base". Together with the snapshot of the "issues", we could add them to a separate "scons-archive" such that no information gets lost. The remaining task would then be to make this "info heap" searchable in some way.

Regarding size, we are talking about approximately:

issues : 53 MB (without attachments)
devel : 164 MB
user : 244 MB

Best regards,


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