On 9/2/19 8:03 AM, Jonathon Reinhart wrote:
> Note that you can subscribe to a GitHub issue without commenting. This
> is preferred as it avoids spamming all currently-subscribed users.
> Also, I think mass/automated bug closing needs to be done very
> conservatively. Closing an issue doesn't make the bug go away. There are
> projects that have bots which close issues after 30 days of inactivity,
> and I find it infuriating.

I'm not a fan of the rapid/aggressive closing either, wasn't suggesting
that. The idea of a bot is to keep there from being so much manual work
to get the notifications sent, and the closing done. If the team prefers
no not keep it after the prune, it can just be turned off.

There are a decent number of bugs that were created over 10 years ago,
and many in the 3-10 year range, and which, due to the migration from
tigris, aren't really associated with people who may have reported them,
or commented on them.

The idea of commenting to keep a bug alive is to defeat the bot's idea
of what is active (and to confirm "yes, this is still a problem").  I
don't think subscribing to it does that.

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