Original written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Anyone know where Troup is?
Troup head is a headland out into the north sea between Banff and
Fraserburgh on the borders of Banff and Buchan counties. Its the headland
forming the west side of Pennan bay which is where they filmed "Local
Perhaps Mrs Garden was having it away with the composer and used to phone
him from there? The next town is Gardenstown, so obviously she was a local
bigheidit toff, who the composer was trying to sook up to in hope of
currying favour and getting a few bob, in the grand auld scots style. It
composed by Robert Petrie(1767-1830) of Kirkmicheal not far fae Moulin,
Perthshire. Who are the Gardens? Is Neville one of them? We should be

Now you are going to be told:
There are many who  find the Braveheart School of History (that is, 
seen through a glass,  darkly)  to be not only insulting to Scotland,  but
exceedingly tedious,  pedling lies which are often far less entertaining
the true story  (as witness the film "Braveheart and Vomit").    

Major Alexander Garden bought the lands of Troup in 1654 on his return from

Sweden (he was a mercenary soldier who fought  for Gustavus Adolphus at 
the Battle of Lutzen, 1632).  He married Betty Strachan of Glenkindy.  
Troup is
still associated with the family and Robert Petrie,   1767- 1830
Perthshire)  -  author of four collections of fiddle music,  much of it of
his own 
composition  -   was employed by the Gardens (as gardener ?),  resulting
in the dozen or so tunes with their name in.   Who pays the piper . . .

A' re best (through a glass,  darkly)  Charlie
PS:   Mary Garden sang rather well;  Neville is/was something in BBC Radio
isn't/wasn't he ?   Does it matter ? 

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