Carol Thompkins wrote:
> I had
> > difficulty explaining to our host family the meaning of the title "Amazing
> > Grace". I think I was right in saying it was an American quaker hymn or
> was
> > that Lord of the Dance which was also played by our hosts in our honour!
> > >
> Hi Philip,
> As a Quaker for many years, I can guarantee you that Amazing Grace is not a
> Quaker hymn.  Quakers don't sing at meeting except in rare instances, nor do
> we have hymns.  In fact, the meeting is mostly silent unless the spirit
> moves one of us to speak.
> Just FYI.
> Carol (going now to look at Rachel's music)
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You can find the original 1779 text of Newton's "Amazing Grace" on the
Cowper-Newton Museum website.

Bruce Olson
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Motto: Keep it up; muddling through always works.
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