Toby Rider wrote:

>       As the founder of the list (which celebrates its 7th birthday in a
> week), I'm glad to see the list is still going strong. Thanks to all
> of you.       I remember having an email conversation with Ted Hastings,
> back when I was still at University in Texas. It went something like
> "Ted, is there a Scottish traditional music list?" He said, "No, not
> that I know of." So I said, "Okay, I will create one..."  That's how
> it started.   

Toby, I've never said anything, but I for one owe you much thanks for
creating Scots-L. I occasionally get frustrated with the lack of
traffic at times, but I'm so glad that a forum exists where I can
discuss one of my abiding passions, Scottish music. Thanks again, Toby.
Lang may yer lum reek.

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Scotland

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