Nigel Gatherer wrote:

> Toby, I've never said anything, but I for one owe you much thanks for
> creating Scots-L. I occasionally get frustrated with the lack of
> traffic at times, but I'm so glad that a forum exists where I can
> discuss one of my abiding passions, Scottish music. Thanks again, Toby.
> Lang may yer lum reek.

        Thanks. The traffic is alot better then it used to be :-) I think
really the best way to get more people posting is to get more people to
subscribe. I haven't checked how many subscribers there are lately, but
it's slowly been rising. I'd guess at a couple hundred addresses, which
is really not that much compared to a list like IRTRAD. 
        I have to approve each new list subscriber, which I know sometimes
slows down getting onto the list. I used to allow people on
automatically, but there quickly developed a problem with spammers
signing onto the lists, sending some spam, then unsubscribing. So until
I can find a way around like, I'll be approving requests by hand.

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