Toby Wrote:

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I've heard Alex Francis MacKay do that
trick now and again. I noticed him doing that the time that I visited
him. I copied that trick for a few tunes I picked up off of him. Just to

make it sound more like the way he was playing them. However I don't use

that kind of bowing often enough to remember doing it. :-) Or maybe I
do, but I don't think about it because I started doing it in an attempt
to copy what I was hearing, as opposed to consciously thinking about the

bowing technique which was required in order to get that sound.  It does

have a cool sound.

My comment:

You are correct. Alex Francis does use that bowing. It is clearrly the
most dominant feature of a style of playing variously referred to in
Cape Breton as the "Mabou", or the "Mabou Mines"  or in Mabou itself as
the "Coal Mines" style. While it was most dominant in the Mabou area, it
was not exclusinvely so as you point out. Alex Francis lives about 60
kilometers away which doesn't seem like much today but which, in his
formative years, would be half a world away.

Alexander Mac Donald

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