Ken Pollard wrote:

> I've recently run across John Taylor, out of California.  He plays for the
> local Scottish Country Dance organization (Sacramento?) and has three CDs
> out now, any one of which is top notch.
> One is called Live, and that's what it is -- recorded at a dance.
> Another is called After the Dance, and is the best for listening by a
> general audience.  Has a great MacPherson's Lament/Rant.

Although I'm a dancer as well as a fiddler, John Taylor & Andy Imbrie's
'Live' is one of the few CDs of Scottish Country Dance music that I like to
listen to apart from dancing (and it would have been on my favorites list if
Bob hadn't already mentioned John Taylor).  Recordings of SCD music tend to
bore me because they're typically 6x or 8x of the same kind of tune but
there's an energy level in this recording that's just great, and the
performances are amazing;  Andy and John just work together so well on this
recording (Andy's an excellent accompanist; he plays for a lot of dance
groups around here.  He has a neat syncopated style that really gets the
dancers going).  

I love the sound of John's fiddle; It's really distinctive. I asked him
about it and he said it's a Scottish instrument (I can't remember the maker,
darn it) that used to belong to his grandfather and which he found in the
attic.  He said he didn't know what he'd do without it!

I was actually a little disappointed in After the Dance because I was
expecting more of the energy of Live, but I suppose that's unrealistic for a
studio album.  However I don't want to discourage anyone from getting it,
because it's a nice CD!
Steve Wyrick --  Concord, California

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