I know this thread has continued considerably past this point, however I the thread has little relevance to my point, so I answer from here.

Firstly, I see this as a great loss to scotlug, I live in Alloa, and in this order, work commitments - finance - work commitments have found it difficult to attend more than 2 or 3 scotlug meetings per year, one of those was your talk on linux qualification which had a profound affect on my disabled partner, and indeed I have used my brainbench (the "favourite price" one you informed us of) qualifications to gain employment since the company I was with then went under.

I understand, and agree with what you wish to achieve, however find I have to urge caution. I do not want to see a state where lug's become fragmented in the way the church has ( imagine a protestant lug and a catholic lug each with their own many subdivisions of subdivisions).

If you do form an alternative Glasgow lug, then I wish you the best of luck, and hope you will continue to retain close ties with scotlug and most of all ensure that affiliation with either groups is not mutually exclusive. As advocates od both linux and open source, if it comes down to split groups, then cooperation is the best ways to our common goals, the groups should compliment each others, not rival each others.

Andy Gilmour

PS Tony, on a totally offtopic note (after visiting your homesite), you can check out my mog's from the cpl at http://antiroot.homedns.org/cats.php and watch their basket at http://antiroot.homedns.org/cam.html. enjoy

Tony Dyer wrote:

I have become increasingly disaffected by the lack of progress and decisions the charting SLUG's future. As such I intend to form a distinct UG, in the Greater Glasgow Area, devoted to a broad range of Open Source as well as Linux issues and taking in user as well as technical views. If anyone is interested in joining me please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I wish those who continue with SLUG every success in the future. My Heart and Head are no longer with my co-creation.
Tony Dyer

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