>Then it doesn't matter who, buy a business broadband package
I hadn't really considered SLA's to be honest and I'm not sure the budget
would stretch to a proper business account.  (I had planned to grab some
virtual images when I leave and work off-line if the worst happened).

[0] Okay, I lied, get Virgin50mbit or BeThere24mbit :)
Aye, at the moment it's a toss-up between VM and O2 (Be say I'm too far from
the exchange, which is odd as it's only about half a mile away).  Waiting to
get some info from the landlord on tv aerial etc.

[1] http://store-3.co.uk/3-unlimited-data-one-plan.html
A smartphone would only be another toy for me to play with and get even less
done!  :)

Thanks for all the info, hopefully I can get something sorted soon.

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