Chris N wrote:
Upps I wasn't aware that sb-toolchains is deprecated.
In that case the documention on "Scratchbox
Toolchains" is out of date, right?

It is a bit, yeah :)

I know about the Foreign Toolchain guide, so I'll
follow the croostool path then.

There is a prepackaged crosstool for arm and i386 supplied with Scratchbox Apophis R4. But you're welcome to build your own, too.

But still to get an answer back to you, the command
line I executed was as described in 3.3 point 8 here:

Same error happens on doing ./build --build

That is a deprecated build method. Use

# make CONFIG=meta/toolchain/myconf.conf all-sums
# make CONFIG=meta/toolchain/myconf.conf
# make CONFIG=meta/toolchain/myconf.conf all-packages

to build your toolchain (just like with toolchain-extras, except for the config directory).


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