Assuming you're* *asking about Scratchbox1 (not Scratchbox2, which I know
very little about, so I don't know if you need to do any of this for new
toolchains for that or not), you need to follow the "Foreign Toolchains"
process, here:

Note that one of the things it has you do is to refer to this page:

which describes how you need to be set up before doing the foreign toolchain
process. This should really be the first step. For one thing, it's that page
that tells you that you need write access to /scratchbox/compilers, which
you'll need before you can even extract the new toolchain into
/scratchbox/compilers (which is their first step on the Foreign Toolchains
page). Make sure you only do steps 1 through 3 on the Toolchains page. After
step 3 on the Toolchains page, go back to Foreign Toolchains, and just do
every step it says to do (step 1 under Configuring is where they point you
to the Toolchain page for the setup, which I recommend you should have
already done).

One thing -- the that gets created (in
/scratchbox/compilers/*your_new_toolchain*) has python-host in the shebang.
I don't know if this is a problem with Hathor, but I'm still using Apophis,
and I needed to change it to just python in order for the sb-conf install to
work on a target configured for the toolchain.


2011/7/6 空对眸 <>

> i can install the toolchain in linux with a script,but how can i install it
> into sbox?what i want is that i can choose the toolchain  in "sb-menu" .
> install in sbox?we don't have the root right in it, or install to
> /scratchbox/compilers/ directory ?
> who can help me ,thanks very much!
> my english is pool ,if anything is not clear,i can add new infomations
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