Is there any interest in getting this patch into screen?


On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 12:32 AM, Janos Barbero <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's a very small patch against HEAD that provides window labels
> where window numbers are currently displayed. The patch consists of a
> labels command, tweaks to display functions to display label instead
> of number, and a change to WindowByName to let windows be selected by
> label or title.
> This is most useful if you have more than 10 windows and want to
> switch to them with something better than C-a ' 10 <RET>. By default,
> the patch does nothing, but if you add something like this to your
> .screenrc:
> labels         "0123456789qwertyuiosfghjzvbmQERTYUIOPDGHJKLZCVBM"
> bind q select q
> bind w select w
> ...
> bind M select M
> then you can switch to window 11 via "C-a w" for example.
> If there are more windows than labels, it simply displays the window
> number instead of the window label.
> Debug and info messages are not affected. I originally wrote this
> patch for screen-4.0.2 in 2007 and in that version I did go through
> all the info messages and change the sprintf("...%d...", p->w_number)
> calls to sprintf("...%s...", p->w_label) but I figured it was simpler
> to submit this patch without doing so. I only just got around to
> updating the patch for screen HEAD, but better late than never...
> Please let me know if there are any other changes I should make to the
> patch so it can be included. A couple of possible improvements that I
> could work on are:
> - Automatically update the bindkeys from the labels as long as the key
> isn't already bound
> - Update debug and info messages to display window label instead of number
> - Update window list to show label, number, and title
> Thanks,
> Janos

Attachment: screen-labels.patch
Description: Binary data

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